Leadership Transition Announcement
Dear Partners,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce another successful leadership transition. As of August 31st, 2021, Olabukunola Williams has stepped down from the role of Executive Director. Buky Williams successfully…
Promoting Menstrual Health for Adolescent Girls and Young Women Project Endline Evaluation Report
Promoting Menstrual Health for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (PMHAGYW) project was established to improve community understanding and awareness of Menstrual Health Management (MHM) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), while…
Nigeria HIV Prevention Shadow Report 2020
In 2017 Nigeria joined the Global Prevention Coalition as part of global efforts to accelerate HIV prevention. The coalition seeks to ensure accountability for delivering prevention services at scale in order to achieve the targets of the 2016…
IWD2021: Young People Choose To Challenge
International Women Day is celebrated to acknowledge the achievements of women in all spheres of life. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity in society and highlighting the role we can all play in helping to create…