Promoting Menstrual Health for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (PMHAGYW) project was established to improve community understanding and awareness of Menstrual Health Management (MHM) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), while having a wider conversation with their parents, teachers, and other community stakeholders to address stigma, discrimination and gender norms. This project was designed to primarily benefit both in-school and out-of-school adolescent girls and young women and it included SRHR sessions for adolescent girls, teaching issues of puberty, menstruation, SRHR and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).
We have learned that educating young people on their rights and supporting them to lead on issues that affect their lives can lead to the creation of a generation that won’t condone harmful practices that violate these rights. Also, engaging key influencers through dialogues has proven in the communities we have worked in to improve their understanding of these issues, and we have seen some of the influencers become champions for these issues in their communities. The project was implemented in Benue State, targeting 4 communities in 2 Local Government Areas – Makurdi LGA and Gboko LGA respectively. Download the endline survey